New Lynn Dental Care is now part of Dentist Auckland NZ - a group of dental practices that provide quality dental services. Whether you require a tooth extraction, emergency pain relief or a routine check-up, our qualified dentists are here to provide you with the best possible dental services at affordable prices. We welcome you to the comfort of our clean and comfortable rooms, we provide dental care ranging from simple treatments to more complex cases. We are proud of our care & dedication to our patients & our team. Our emphasis during your visit is for you to understand all aspects of your dental treatment including costs involved & length of procedures.
Your oral health is important and we will work to provide a healthy treatment plan. We are committed to providing you with excellent dental care and we want you to have the benefits of having a beautiful smile and beautiful teeth for the rest of your life. We offer a safe and clean environment for you to visit. Our team is all trained to the highest of standards and we have a strong focus on continuing education for all our team members. Your time is precious and we will do our best at all times to ensure we run to time.
Gentle, kind, caring dental services
At the New Lynn Dental Care, we provide a wide range of oral health care services to patients, from routine check-ups and cleaning to fitting braces and treating oral disease. Under the supervision of our expert dentists, we provide high-quality care at reduced rates.
We also offer to finance through Q Card and we accept Souther Cross Health Society Easy-Claim membership.